What are the signs of a house centipede infestation?

Centipede Infestation

Centipedes are small insects that can cause damage to your home very easily. These small creatures love to live in the dark and dirty areas of your house. You can easily find them in the basement and the storeroom of your house. These pests can also be found in bathrooms. Centipedes are most commonly attracted towards the moisture area.

They cannot survive without the moisture in the area they are living in. Their bite can cause irritation to your skin. Most people find them harmless but they can leave stains on the surface. It is important for you to keep an eye on these small creatures to avoid their infestation in your home. If you find out about any centipede activity then you have to do something about it immediately.

Signs Of Centipede Infestation

  1. Presence of pests in your home – If you have pests in your house then you must have centipede among them. These centipedes love to eat the other pests in your house. You need to focus on the type of pests present in your house. Food also attracts these centipedes to your home. It is also important for you to keep an eye on the food items missing from your kitchen.
  2. Winter season – These small creatures love to live in a warm temperature. As the temperature rises outside these centipedes enter your home to live in a warm environment. It is also your responsibility to stay alert during the winter season to avoid centipede infestation. You have to stop the infestation as soon as possible. It is also important for you to do a regular inspection of your house.
  3. Centipede activity at night – These centipedes do not work in the daytime. These small creatures mostly roam around your house at night only. They can easily bite humans that can cause irritation to your skin. These small creepy creatures love to live in dark places as they don’t like sunlight. Centipedes can easily hide in the small holes and cracks in search of dark places.
  4. Holes and cracks – If you have small holes and cracks in your home then these centipedes can easily enter your house. These small creepy creatures are so small that they need a little space to enter. It is also important for you to close the holes and cracks in your house to stop the centipede infestation. You also need to inspect your house on a regular basis to find out the holes and cracks in your home. Always keep an eye on the doors and windows. 
  1. Garbage around your home – You can easily find the centipede infestation in your home if you do not clean your dustbin on time. These small creatures love to live in garbage and unhygienic places. It is also important for you to timely clean the dustbin in your house. You have to keep an eye on the area around your home as well. If there is any garbage around your house then clean it properly. 

Call Us To Get Rid Of Centipedes 

If you are feeling irritated because of the centipedes in your house then you can call our Pest Control Kew expert to get rid of them immediately. It is also important for you to take immediate action after finding out about the centipede infestation. We offer a same-day pest control service. Our team is available 24/7 at your service.